Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the latest and the greatest

so i start a new photography class tomorrow. it will probably be filled with a bunch of nerds and goobers and i'll be the only cool one, but i'm still nervous. see, i think i suck. i'm really trying to get gung-ho about this whole photo-business thing, but i just don't think i'm that good. i'm doing a wedding for a friend on 2/12 so we'll see how that turns out. hopefully it will be awesome so that i can have some pics for my portfolio. everyone in the house is sick except for travis. work is crazy - been thinking about quitting my job and just doing something PT a few days a week and keeping the babies myself. they stay sick at daycare. everyone warned me. i will lose my sanity if i am home all of the time, but if i can get this photo thing going, maybe not. anyway. wish me luck. here is my business card that i designed and a couple of pictures of Noah that i took with my new flash. (please sing) money money money money. over and out.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

i know, i know

Yeah, I know I'm slack. It's been super-busy - who isn't around Christmas? Quick update: things are good. The babies are doing fine - finally not sick! (i am knocking on wood) They are 7 months today. Amazing, huh? I'm actually off this weekend which is a miracle in itself, but I have a baby shower tomorrow for my sister-in-law. She is due in Feb. We're excited. Other than that, work is busy and still sucks. I need a haircut and I still have 10 lbs to lose. Will write later!