we have so much going on right now. we are both working a ton, the kids have been sick, we have all of these March of Dimes things going on (Thanks Mel for donating!!) and stuff is crazy. i'll update tomorrow night because i'll have new pictures of our March for Babies kickoff meetings!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
we (don't) want the funk
now i've got the funk. 102 degree fever, cough, general feeling of crappiness.
Posted by
8:20 AM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Do you see what time it is??!!
It's 6:08 am, people. I'm awake, and have been for most of the night. You see, last night we took Noah to the ER. He's been coughing a lot lately and having trouble breathing and wheezing, so I thought it might be pneumonia and we went ahead and took him in. Not pneumonia, just RSV!! Respiratory Syncytial Virus. They have been on synagist for RSV since October. It's an antibody that is supposed to help prevent them from getting it. It's about $3000 per shot and they get one a month from October-March. Yeah. It's common in babies and small children and it's a virus that attacks the lungs and RESPIRATORY system, hence the R in RSV. We've been scared of this virus since usually it puts babies in the hospital immediately. Luckily I took Noah before he got to that point. He is contagious, however, and banned from daycare until he is better. This sucks, as this is the worst possible week this could happen. They sent us home with him on breathing treatments. This nebulizer they sent is as loud as a freight train! Imagine putting that up to a baby's face! He wasn't really digging it, and I'm sure this thing will cost us a couple of thousand --- insurance better pay for it! Anyway, that's my gripe. No sleep and a sick baby again - hopefully Aaron won't get it, but that's highly unlikely.
Posted by
6:07 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
lazy days
Posted by
9:30 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
the latest and the greatest
so i start a new photography class tomorrow. it will probably be filled with a bunch of nerds and goobers and i'll be the only cool one, but i'm still nervous. see, i think i suck. i'm really trying to get gung-ho about this whole photo-business thing, but i just don't think i'm that good. i'm doing a wedding for a friend on 2/12 so we'll see how that turns out. hopefully it will be awesome so that i can have some pics for my portfolio. everyone in the house is sick except for travis. work is crazy - been thinking about quitting my job and just doing something PT a few days a week and keeping the babies myself. they stay sick at daycare. everyone warned me. i will lose my sanity if i am home all of the time, but if i can get this photo thing going, maybe not. anyway. wish me luck. here is my business card that i designed and a couple of pictures of Noah that i took with my new flash. (please sing) money money money money. over and out.

Posted by
5:54 PM
Labels: life, photography
Saturday, January 12, 2008
i know, i know
Yeah, I know I'm slack. It's been super-busy - who isn't around Christmas? Quick update: things are good. The babies are doing fine - finally not sick! (i am knocking on wood) They are 7 months today. Amazing, huh? I'm actually off this weekend which is a miracle in itself, but I have a baby shower tomorrow for my sister-in-law. She is due in Feb. We're excited. Other than that, work is busy and still sucks. I need a haircut and I still have 10 lbs to lose. Will write later!
Posted by
9:59 AM