Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Babies and barf . . . unrelated.

What a day! Well, the babies went to the doctor today for their RSV vaccines. Noah is up to 11 lbs 9 oz. and Aaron is 11 lbs 4 oz. They're doing very well. We were actually able to start them on rice cereal today. We can add it to their bottles twice a day and hopefully increase to every bottle in the next few days to help them gain weight. I got them the kind with bananas and they seem to like it pretty well. Hopefully it will help them to sleep longer through the night. It will be interesting to see how it affects their poop. Funny how you talk and think of things like that after kids. Actually, it's still hard to believe I even have kids. I changed Aaron tonight after his nap and bottle and he gave me a big smile so I knew that there was a nice present in there for me. . . . and boy was there! Mmm. I'll spare you the details. It gets even better - Travis is sick. And I mean sick. If he's not better tonight I will take him to the hospital. He hasn't been able to eat or keep anything down or in for 24 hours now. He's never sick, but he's been ill twice in the last 2 weeks. He recently bought more Peter Pan peanut butter so of course I thought salmonella, but not so. I hope he's better soon because I'm tiring quickly. Staying up all night with babies and a sick husband doesn't do for a happy Amber. I think I will try to get a couple of hours of sleep now. Nite all.

1 comment:

JustMelanie said...

hey amber, is travis doing any better today?