Sunday, December 9, 2007

Rootie Toot Tootin'

So, it's been a few days since I updated. It's been busy, so I can't say there's nothing going on, I'm just tired and slack. I guess the topics of the week is that the babies went to see Santa Claus and we decorated our tree. Wednesday night we got them all dressed up in their new clothes and off we went. Noah wore a white turtleneck onesie with grey dress pants and a navy/grey/white striped sweater. Aaron wore a red plaid button-down shirt with khaki corduroy pants and an ivory sweater. They were too cute! We looked for some shoes for them everywhere, but to no avail. Those with boys know what I'm talking about! There are no little boy clothes or shoes anywhere! Tons and tons of little girl stuff, but no boys. I do like it best what I had a friend say - right now we hate the fact that there is nothing for little boys, but 10 or so years from now when little girls want to look like Britney and dress like a hoochie I'll be thankful for my little boys. :) I know from experience . . . when I was in 5th grade, I was dressing like Madonna. Believe me, it wasn't pretty. Anyway, we got them all decked out and went to the mall. I absolutely hate the mall. With a passion. So much I couldn't tell you the last time I went. We trekked down there and the babies were asleep when we got to Santa. We woke them up just before we got in line, and then they just sat there. No smiles. No nothing. Just little baby lumps. i think they were more concentrated on the rootie toot toots they were doing on Santa's lap than anything else. Maybe they were making wishes. I do think I heard them wish for a new HD/DVD player and a new car. I think they wanted some hardwood floors, too. Heh! So, that has been my week. Other than work, nothing going on. I did lose another 3 lbs. Yay! Only about 9 lbs. to go to get to my pre-babies weight. I did join Peak Fitness and made it 3 times this week. I'm going this morning at 10 when they open. I still want to lose another 15 lbs and tone up again. I have an entire closet-full of clothes and can't wear most of them. If I could afford it I would go back to Weight Watchers, too. Oh well. And, work stinks, by the way. It stinks to work in retail during Christmas. Honestly, I don't really like people in public in general, but everyone is so needy and no one wants to do anything for themselves. Eh, that's my complaining. It's all worth it when I come home and see the chirren (my slang for children) smiling and laughing and talking. . . Here's our tree and the babies with Santa. Have a good week, all.

1 comment:

JustMelanie said...

hey amber!
Glad to see you are doing well.

Have you tried looking for baby shoes online? Here are a few sites. But yes you are right and have to scroll past the pink stuff first!

This one has some cute skulls and flames!