Sunday, February 3, 2008

Do you see what time it is??!!

It's 6:08 am, people. I'm awake, and have been for most of the night. You see, last night we took Noah to the ER. He's been coughing a lot lately and having trouble breathing and wheezing, so I thought it might be pneumonia and we went ahead and took him in. Not pneumonia, just RSV!! Respiratory Syncytial Virus. They have been on synagist for RSV since October. It's an antibody that is supposed to help prevent them from getting it. It's about $3000 per shot and they get one a month from October-March. Yeah. It's common in babies and small children and it's a virus that attacks the lungs and RESPIRATORY system, hence the R in RSV. We've been scared of this virus since usually it puts babies in the hospital immediately. Luckily I took Noah before he got to that point. He is contagious, however, and banned from daycare until he is better. This sucks, as this is the worst possible week this could happen. They sent us home with him on breathing treatments. This nebulizer they sent is as loud as a freight train! Imagine putting that up to a baby's face! He wasn't really digging it, and I'm sure this thing will cost us a couple of thousand --- insurance better pay for it! Anyway, that's my gripe. No sleep and a sick baby again - hopefully Aaron won't get it, but that's highly unlikely.


JustMelanie said...

wow amber! I hope he is ok. Oh the things you learn being a parent. I really hope insurance pays for those $3000 shots. wow.

JustMelanie said...

hey amber - I see you mentioned dlisted. Here is my favorite celeb gossip site. I literally check it multiple times a day im so addicted to it.